Psychocalisthenics® reduces aging by promoting vital energy throughout the entire body, increasing agility, mental clarity, emotional balance, and natural physical beauty.
The key to health is vital energy, which the Chinese call ch'i. This energy is what we need if we are going to restore and regenerate ourselves. Exercise aimed at promoting vital energy throughout the organism dramatically reduces the process of aging itself. By discovering this key to health, we can ensure a much more vibrant physical, emotional, and intellectual life.
Psychocalisthenics is a series of 23 movement/ breathing exercises that awaken every muscle group in the body. They take 15 minutes to perform, giving you lots of extra energy and awareness. Each exercise has a precise movement and breathing pattern that promotes anti-aging, vital energy into all your organs, glands, and tissues, making you happy and alert.
Improved Health
Mental Clarity
Emotional Balance
Expanded Happiness
Increased Agility
Founding Director of the world-renowned Arica School®, Oscar Ichazo developed this exercise system in 1958 for awakening the vital energy of his students in order to enhance the vitality required during formal sessions of meditation.
“What Psychocalisthenics offers is a set of exercises that can become a serious foundation for a life of self-responsibility, clarity of mind, and strength of spirit. They will give our life an extra edge that can be a determinant in the outcome of our efforts for achieving plenitude, love, and understanding.”